Commune + Attune + Cocoon + Arise

Stop trying to do it all alone

A virtual, collective portal for your journey of healing, happiness, and

heightened consciousness.

We Are Rising (Women of the World) by Mary Isis


to the

Crystal Clear Channel

Tap into the collective to raise and amplify your vibration to manifest the life of your dreams in sisterhood.


It all starts with our inner dialogue. How we talk to ourselves is the primary driver of our ability to transmute our pain and transform our lives. But we must also have trusted external sources to change the dialogue.


Physical health is a key aspect to a healthy mind and spirit. BUT, it is also tied to your emotions. This symbiotic relationship can keep us in dis-ease even when we're trying to be "healthy". We have the power to heal ourselves.


Our spirit is eternal. It is our truth and why we are here in this lifetime. It speaks to us through our intuition. If not attuned, we will not hear it and will not trust it. Once connected, our collective spirits can unite and amplify our manifestations.

Guided by a cohort of Luminaries with different gifts and expertise, we help women address their whole being to come into alignment with the greater good of both the 3D world and higher realms.

11 amazing healers, coaches, therapists, and experts have come together as a team to help us understand, heal and raise our energy through the Crystal Clear Channel. EVERY MONTH they show up to heal, educate, and inspire our members to make their lives a little bit better.

FREE LIVE EVENT: March 1st thru 5th

Step Into The Vortex



Upcoming FREE Luminary Liaisons

Meet our Luminaries at these exciting, live, teaching events. Hope you can make it!


Crystal Thies

Power of Community on Your Healing Journey


Heather Esposito

Align Your Money Energy via Sacred Money Archetypes


Allyson Blythe

Manifestation Maturity


Dr. Laurie Little

Attuning to Your Wise Mind When Faced With Difficult Decisions


Kimberley Healey

Reconnecting with your Sensuality to Feel Saucy and Energized


Cathy Goulet

Understanding Your Gifts and Living Your Purpose


Mary Isis

Transformational Recovery and Integration through Nature, Ritual, and Sacred Sound


Jessica Stevenson & Sue Vessella 

Creating a WholeHearted Life


Lena Simovic

Balance of the Whole....Mind, Body, Soul...& the Energy Behind Them All


Luna Hart

Springtime Digestive Revival


Cassandra DeAnn

Living Your Human Life by Human Design


Dr. Eliza Collins

Introduction to Psychedelic Microdosing


Crystal Thies

Connecting Your Vibration to the Collective for Transformation


Last Days to Access Luminary Liaisons in the Collective

You'll learn how to uplevel your membership to continue access + get new teachings from all luminaries every month

Join our Forever Free Collective to Access this Event!

No credit cards are required and the Forever Free Collective Conversations access will continue after this launch event. Replays of the Luminary Liaisons will be available in the Collective Conversations until March 7th.

As a Free Collective Conversations member, you will have access to all Discussion Channels and the Emporium. Additionally, you will get access to one Luminary Liaison recording per month.

Stop trying to do it all alone!

What is the

Crystal Clear Channel?

An online community portal to heal, raise the vibration, manifest, and increase consciousness of women and feminine energy. It is intended to nourish women on their journey of healing, happiness, and heightened consciousness.

This healing journey is never easy and can be very lonely. Every woman's journey is individual and she needs different nourishment and healing at different times and needs ease of access to find what is right for her from trusted providers. And, of course, the journey and its healing never truly ends; it simply evolves as does our ability to work through it. The one thing she always needs is love and encouragement from a collective of sisters.

Because such a community with such diverse needs of insight and healing modalities could never be led by one individual, it is guided by a cohort of Luminaries with different gifts and expertise whose guidance is facilitated by the Conductor who helps harmonize the coherence. Together we help women address their whole being to come into alignment with the greater good of both the 3D world and higher realms.

As a collective we help our members commune, attune, cocoon, and arise.

The Channel is a safe space for both adult and young women. The platform is completely independent of social media and other unhealthy influences and algorithms. It is intended to foster deep and trusted relationships for true community support. It can be accessed either through a browser or the mobile app whenever you desire to tap into the collective for assistance.

It is a portal to find trusted healers, service providers, and products. Only those who have been vetted and commit to the good of the community may share their offerings within the Channel.


Meet our AMAZING Women.

Allyson Blythe

Certified Life Coach and Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Manifestation Expert and Guide to Empaths

Cassandra DeAnn

Certified Human Design Reader, Galactic Astrologer, Akashic Records Soul Reader, and Gene Keys Guide

Cathy Goulet

Psychic Energy Healer, Channeler, Guide to Finding Your Spiritual Purpose. Former psychologist and computer coder.

Dr. Eliza Collins

Psychedelic Microdosing & Integration Coach, Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine, Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner

Heather Esposito

Former Therapist turned Holistic Money Mindset and Energy Coach, Hypnotherapist, & NeuroFit Coach

Jessica Stevenson &

Sue Vessella

Wholehearted Life Coaching

Wholehearted Life Coaching for Teen Girls and Moms, Certified Spiritual Coach (J), Graphic Designer & Artist (S)

Kimberley Healey

Courage, Intimacy and Sexuality Coach

Dr. Laurie Little

Dialectical Behavior Therapist, Psychedelic Assisted Therapist and Mindfulness Coach

Lena Simovic

Mindvalley Transformation Coach & Intuitive Energy Healer (Neo-Shamanic Society)

Luna Hart

Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner, Certified Fertility Awareness, Holistic Health Coach

Mary Isis

Sacred Songstress, Transformational Recovery Coach, EFT practitioner, Plant Medicine Specialist, and Ceremonialist

Crystal Thies

the conductor

Crystal is the Founder and Conductor of the Crystal Clear Channel. This is her vision and she is the wizard behind the curtain.

The Crystal Clear Channel is here to nourish you on your journey of healing, happiness, and heightened consciousness. JOIN US TODAY!

Whether you've just stepped on the path or you've been traveling it for awhile, you have a place in The Channel!
